Cobham River Lodge
Fishing Report – June 7, 2019

Most of our guests have been targeting Northern Pike with great success and we’re starting to see some nice pike hitting the lines. As is the case in most years, we’re seeing a good number of smaller pike leading the pack which are providing some great sport and practice for when the real one takes your bait.
Guests are experiencing a good amount of action in most areas and the waters are sitting around 9-11c (49-51 degrees), just perfect for great pike action.
East Cobham River and the inlet to Elliot Lake have been fishing well and for those looking for a slightly calmer arena the areas in the inner lake region are also holding a good number of pike.
Today Roger Bennett had a great morning landing a 199cm (46.7 inches) Northern Pike and not to be outdone James Clark boated a gorgeous 112cm (44.3 inches) – congratulations guys!

If you’re not booked already for this season I would suggest making that call and claiming your time on the water as we’re nearly at 100% capacity. It’s going to be a GREAT season!
Looking forward to seeing you up here soon!